Transform Your Online
Dating Experience

Sunday, July 25th, 2021
1pm PT | 3pm CT | 4pm ET

Transform Your Online
Dating Experience

Sunday, July 25th, 2021
1pm PT | 3pm CT | 4pm ET

There are specific techniques and approaches you can use to make online dating WAY easier and much more pleasurable! In The Art of Empowered Swiping -- I’m gonna break ‘em down for you! 

There are specific techniques and approaches you can use to make online dating WAY easier and much more pleasurable! In The Art of Empowered Swiping -- I’m gonna break ‘em down for you! 

  • If you’re not finding the types of men you want to meet online, and it seems like no one on there is a good match for you. 
  • If you feel totally drained and burnt out by online/app dating and are constantly wanting to delete your account.
  • If you keep matching up with players, flakes, and men who only want to hook up.
  • If you keep attracting in unavailable men -- and you can’t seem to figure out how to break the pattern.
  • If the idea of online/app dating stresses you out, scares you, or frustrates the hell out of you. 
  • If you're wanting to meet high quality men organically -- in real life, and don’t think online dating will work for you.
  • If you’re not finding the types of men you want to meet online, and it seems like no one on there is a good match for you. 
  • If you feel totally drained and burnt out by online/app dating and are constantly wanting to delete your account.
  • If you keep matching up with players, flakes, and men who only want to hook up.
  • If you keep attracting in unavailable men -- and you can’t seem to figure out how to break the pattern.
  • If the idea of online/app dating stresses you out, scares you, or frustrates the hell out of you. 
  • If you're wanting to meet high quality men organically -- in real life, and don’t think online dating will work for you.
 How to craft your BEST profile -- so that your ideal partner can spot you EASILY. (There are some KEY things you can do that will completely transform your so-so profile into one that draws in high quality men with ease!) 
How to optimize your online dating strategy and approach so that you have way more success, a lot less burn-out, and higher quality matches!  
How to identify red flags and rule men out way more quickly -- so that you don't waste your time with the wrong guys (and get burnt out in the process).
Tricks to navigate online dating that no one ever talks about -- that will have like-minded men showing up in your inbox with just about zero effort! (Doing this brought in some of the best men I've ever dated!) 
How your "preferences" list is actually getting in your way. I'll teach you how to create your true MUST HAVES list -- which is an absolute game changer! No more wondering if you're being "too picky" or if you should be more open-minded. That guessing game ends here! ;-)
How to get yourself into the best headspace possible before you go on your dates, so that you’re not in your head, anxious, and getting in your own way when you show up to meet a new man you like. (Doing a few simple things before your date can completely transform your energy on your date!) 
And the quickest way to stop feeling disappointed in your dating life and have more FUN! I’ll be sharing with you mindset hacks that will have you feeling WAY more empowered when you date and way less frustrated and hopeless! (There are some easy shifts in how you approach online dating that can totally turn this around!) 

 How to craft your BEST profile -- so that your ideal partner can spot you EASILY. (There are some KEY things you can do that will completely transform your so-so profile into one that draws in high quality men with ease!) 
How to optimize your online dating strategy and approach so that you have way more success, a lot less burn-out, and higher quality matches!  
How to identify red flags and rule men out way more quickly -- so that you don't waste your time with the wrong guys (and get burnt out in the process).
Tricks to navigate online dating that no one ever talks about -- that will have like-minded men showing up in your inbox with just about zero effort! (Doing this brought in some of the best men I've ever dated!) 
How your "preferences" list is actually getting in your way. I'll teach you how to create your true MUST HAVES list -- which is an absolute game changer! No more wondering if you're being "too picky" or if you should be more open-minded. That guessing game ends here! ;-)
How to get yourself into the best headspace possible before you go on your dates, so that you’re not in your head, anxious, and getting in your own way when you show up to meet a new man you like. (Doing a few simple things before your date can completely transform your energy on your date!) 
And the quickest way to stop feeling disappointed in your dating life and have more FUN! I’ll be sharing with you mindset hacks that will have you feeling WAY more empowered when you date and way less frustrated and hopeless! (There are some easy shifts in how you approach online dating that can totally turn this around!) 

Normally, this is information I only share with my private 1:1 clients or with the women in my group coaching program. But I really want as many women as possible to learn these strategies!  

So get ready....this is going to completely turn your dating life around! 

Normally, this is information I only share with my private 1:1 clients or with the women in my group coaching program. But I really want as many women as possible to learn these strategies!  

So get ready....this is going to completely turn your dating life around! 

   Plus, as a BONUS you're also going to get...

A cheat sheet for how to approach crucial and
vulnerable conversations in dating.

If you sometimes find yourself feeling stuck and not knowing what to say in challenging
and vulnerable moments with men -- well you won’t be stuck any longer! :)

I’m beyond excited to share these Empowered Dating Scripts with you! 

  • How to get men to stop texting back and forth with you and actually ask you out -- so you don’t waste time talking with men who have no intention of moving things forward. 
  • How to bring up the topic of exclusivity in a way that won’t send him running -- so you don't sit around wondering where you stand with him any longer.
  • How to best respond to the dreaded question “why are you still single” in a way that has you feeling empowered....and not like you just got caught with your pants down. ;-)
  • How to reject a man in the best way -- so that you can walk away feeling good about how you handled things.
  • How to tell a man you want to slow things down with him (if you went a little too fast in the beginning) -- without making him think you’re not interested or pulling back. 
  • How to share with him that you want to talk more throughout the week -- without sounding needy or co-dependent.
  • What to say when he says he’s not ready for a relationship and just wants to have fun -- and you're clear that you want something serious. 
  • What to say to a man when he always asks you out for last minute plans, and you want him to give you more advance notice and respect your time more. 

And much more!!

**** These scripts are truly GOLD! If I had had access to this cheat sheet back in the day it would have saved me a TON of time and angst!! And they are my gift to you when you join us for this workshop  on July 25th :)

  Plus, as a BONUS you're also going to get...

A cheat sheet for how to approach crucial and
vulnerable conversations in dating.

If you sometimes find yourself feeling stuck and not knowing what to say in challenging and vulnerable moments with men -- well you won’t be stuck any longer! :)

I’m beyond excited to share these Empowered Dating Scripts with you! 
  • How to get men to stop texting back and forth with you and actually ask you out -- so you don’t waste time talking with men who have no intention of moving things forward. 
  • How to bring up the topic of exclusivity in a way that won’t send him running -- so you don't sit around wondering where you stand with him any longer.
  • How to best respond to the dreaded question “why are you still single” in a way that has you feeling empowered....and not like you just got caught with your pants down. ;-)
  • How to reject a man in the best way -- so that you can walk away feeling good about how you handled things.
  • How to tell a man you want to slow things down with him (if you went a little too fast in the beginning) -- without making him think you’re not interested or pulling back. 
  • How to share with him that you want to talk more throughout the week -- without sounding needy or co-dependent.
  • What to say when he says he’s not ready for a relationship and just wants to have fun -- and you're clear that you want something serious. 
  • What to say to a man when he always asks you out for last minute plans, and you want him to give you more advance notice and respect your time more. 

And much more!!

**** These scripts are truly GOLD! If I had had access to this cheat sheet back in the day it would have saved me a TON of time and angst!! And they are my gift to you when you join us for this workshop  on July 25th :)

Melanie Hersch


Melanie Hersch is a psychotherapist turned dating coach who teaches singles how to rewire the unconscious patterns that have been preventing them from having the love they want.

Melanie believes that dating and relationships are some of the most powerful catalysts for personal growth. Her approach isn't focused on how to 'get' the person you want... but on how to become the person who easily attracts love in. Her unique approach blends psychology, spirituality, and energetics to help her clients increase their self-esteem, know their worth, and easily attract healthy love into their lives! 

Her work has been featured in Oprah's O Magazine and in Psychology Today.  

Melanie Hersch


Melanie Hersch is a psychotherapist turned dating coach who teaches singles how to rewire the unconscious patterns that have been preventing them from having the love they want.

Melanie believes that dating and relationships are some of the most powerful catalysts for personal growth. Her approach isn't focused on how to 'get' the person you want... but on how to become the person who easily attracts love in. Her unique approach blends psychology, spirituality, and energetics to help her clients increase their self-esteem, know their worth, and easily attract healthy love into their lives! 

Her work has been featured in Oprah's O Magazine and in Psychology Today.  

“I initially reached out to Melanie because I was tired of online dating and I wasn’t attracting men that I felt excited about."

I was a bit hesitant to sign up because I didn't know if the investment would be worth it. But I made the leap, and it turns out it was SOOO worth it!

I now have a fresh perspective on dating, how I show up, and what I’m looking for in dating and a relationship. I’m more conscious of what drives my thoughts and actions, and I feel much more positive and empowered in ALL aspects of my life. I am embracing my experiences more fully, and I am even appreciating the challenge of difficult conversations (instead of dreading or avoiding them).

I also now have an online dating profile that I love and feel confident about! And I’m so much better at listening to my gut when I know a guy isn’t a good fit for me. No more second guessing myself -- I'm WAY more clear now.”

“I actually started seeing a new guy soon after the course ended. He’s amazing and we have a ton in common! Your program helped me a lot in terms of sorting through my options leading up to this and it helped me feel cool, calm and collected as I waited for the right guy to show up. Thank you so much, Melanie. I feel like I have so many better tools to work with now!” 

 “In the past I totally settled when it came to men— and dated guys who didn’t meet my needs." I think it’s because I didn’t want to be alone and I hadn’t really established what I TRULY wanted. I’d think …. “WelI, I like this ONE thing about him ... or that one thing”…..and I’d let the relationship linger way longer than it really needed to. Thanks to this course, I’m so much more clear now on what my needs are and I’m clear that I’m not going to settle anymore. I definitely didn’t have that clarity before starting the course!"

“I initially reached out to Melanie because I was tired of online dating and I wasn’t attracting men that I felt excited about."

I was a bit hesitant to sign up because I didn't know if the investment would be worth it. But I made the leap, and it turns out it was SOOO worth it!

I now have a fresh perspective on dating, how I show up, and what I’m looking for in dating and a relationship. I’m more conscious of what drives my thoughts and actions, and I feel much more positive and empowered in ALL aspects of my life. I am embracing my experiences more fully, and I am even appreciating the challenge of difficult conversations (instead of dreading or avoiding them).

I also now have an online dating profile that I love and feel confident about! And I’m so much better at listening to my gut when I know a guy isn’t a good fit for me. No more second guessing myself -- I'm WAY more clear now.”

“I actually started seeing a new guy soon after the course ended. He’s amazing and we have a ton in common! Your program helped me a lot in terms of sorting through my options leading up to this and it helped me feel cool, calm and collected as I waited for the right guy to show up. Thank you so much, Melanie. I feel like I have so many better tools to work with now!” 

 “In the past I totally settled when it came to men— and dated guys who didn’t meet my needs." I think it’s because I didn’t want to be alone and I hadn’t really established what I TRULY wanted. I’d think …. “WelI, I like this ONE thing about him ... or that one thing”…..and I’d let the relationship linger way longer than it really needed to. Thanks to this course, I’m so much more clear now on what my needs are and I’m clear that I’m not going to settle anymore. I definitely didn’t have that clarity before starting the course!"

I'm here to tell you...

There’s a way to date where you don’t constantly feel the need to delete your account. 

Where you draw in super high quality men with ease.

And where you feel relaxed, empowered and peaceful.

If you’re ready to optimize your online dating experience and start having EASE in this area of your life...this workshop is for YOU!

During this workshop -- I will be walking you through the exact strategies that I share with my private clients.

Strategies I’ve personally used to bring in love into my life. 

And strategies that my clients have used to meet their partners and husbands!  

Come join me LIVE on Sunday, July 25th and learn how to completely transform your online dating experience!

I'm here to tell you...

There’s a way to date where you don’t constantly feel the need to delete your account. 

Where you draw in super high quality men with ease.

And where you feel relaxed, empowered and peaceful as you date.

If you’re ready to optimize your online dating experience and start having EASE in this area of your life...this workshop is for YOU!

During this workshop -- I will be walking you through the exact strategies that I share with my private clients.

Strategies I’ve personally used to bring in love into my life. 

And strategies that my clients have used to meet their partners and husbands!  

Come join me LIVE on Sunday, July 25th and learn how to completely transform your online dating experience and have way more ease and flow in your dating world!

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